dijous, 12 de desembre del 2019

1r i 2n, Teatre en anglès: Rudolph

Ja arriba el Nadal i a la nostra escola ha vingutt , el Pare Noel i el seu ren en Rudolph.

Han vingut a conèixer a tots els nens i nenes de primer i segon.
Hem après cançons tradicionals, vocabulari relacionat amb el Nadal i hem participat amb molt d’entusiasme.
Ens ho hem passat molt bé.

Ha estat super divertit!!! 

dimecres, 6 de novembre del 2019


Halloween is a celebration observed in several countries on 31th October.

This year we have celebrated it doing a special handcraft, a mask, a spider and a Jack o’lantern.

 We had fun!!!

divendres, 25 d’octubre del 2019


Last Thursday we had IPA Productions Company at school. They performed Treasure Island for 5th and 6th levels children. 

We had a great time singing, dancing and performing with them. 

Here you can see some photos and videos.

dimecres, 20 de febrer del 2019

3rd and 4th grade, Billy Banjo

On Tuesday, students from 3rd and 4th grade saw the play “Billy Banjo”, performed by
actors from IPA PRODUCTIONS.
Billy Banjo is a musician who dreams about being famous. Kate, his wife, thinks he is lazy
because the only thing he does is playing the banjo all day long.
He leaves home to earn 1000$. He paints Mrs. Posh house, he rounds up some cows and
he plays the electric guitar with Susy Stardust.
Some students took part in the play, and they danced and sang on stage.

They had so much fun!