dilluns, 14 de novembre del 2016

Halloween song

The drummers and guitar players are singing their Halloween song! Take a look, they are really good dancers! 

Here is the link of the song! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPRaY5QWKIk  

The base drummers and pianists classes are singing very excited the Halloween song! It sounds pretty good!

Here is the link of the song!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jxcWlq3CBg

The flutists and bells players are singing the Incy wincy spider song for Halloween! And they are doing very well indeed!

Here is the link of the song! http://bit.ly/2fylYHt

dilluns, 7 de novembre del 2016

In October, Theatre at school!

Cinderella for 1st, 2nd and 3rd levels and Robin Hood for 4th, 5th and 6th levels.

First, we worked on the plays in the class and then we watched, played and enjoyed them.

Here you can find the highlights.

HALLOWEEN activities in the English class!

dijous, 3 de novembre del 2016

Llengua oral en anglès

We are happy to announce that we have Sinead with us. She came from Manchester to help us with oral activities in English. She’ll be here from October to May and she’ll be working with all the groups.

Estem contents de fer-vos saber que aquest curs tenim la Sinead amb nosaltres. Aquesta noia ha vingut de Manchester per ajudar-nos amb les activitats de llengua oral en anglès i estarà amb nosaltres d’octubre a Maig. Anirà passant per tots els grups.